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The Dr. Esther C Bubb Blog takes readers beyond the basics of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to the application of basic principles of behavior in everyday life and shares life lessons for becoming Better Every Single Time (BEST).

Adding Good to the Lives of Diverse People is Powerful

A phrase that comes to mind when I think of our world is “melting pot.” Just as multicolored tomatoes add variety to our vegetable gardens, the assortment of people in the world adds color, warmth, and substance to our communities. A natural outcome of the variation in our characteristics is

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Welcome to the Dr. Esther C. Bubb Blog!

Hello, I am Dr. Esther C. Bubb. Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to connect with you. I was born in Grenada, a tiny island in the Caribbean. Pure Grenada boasts of tranquil beaches, undulating hills, picturesque scenery, warm sunshine, authentic foods, steel pan music, and friendly people. 

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Adding Good to the Lives of Diverse People is Powerful

A phrase that comes to mind when I think of our world is “melting pot.” Just as multicolored tomatoes add variety to our vegetable gardens, the assortment of people in the world adds color, warmth, and substance to our communities. A natural outcome of the variation in our characteristics is

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Welcome to the Dr. Esther C. Bubb Blog!

Hello, I am Dr. Esther C. Bubb. Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to connect with you. I was born in Grenada, a tiny island in the Caribbean. Pure Grenada boasts of tranquil beaches, undulating hills, picturesque scenery, warm sunshine, authentic foods, steel pan music, and friendly people. 

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